29 de enero de 2013

Reunión post-navideña en la casa y aparición en un blog

Nuestra preciosa casa sale en un post dedicado a una reunión que se produjo allí hace poco: el brunch “Bye bye Christmas” del club Idòcraft. De reciente creación en Mallorca, es un grupo mixto donde se comparten aficiones e intereses por las cosas hechas a mano. Quedan de vez en cuando para organizar talleres, contactar con gente con sus mismas aficiones,… y sobre todo para pasar muy buenos ratos juntos. Si queréis uniros al club el único requisito es comprometerse y dedicarle un poco de tiempo. Si queréis más información, podéis escribirles a idocraft.info@gmail.com

Not long ago Palaci, our house in Lloret de Vistalegre, was mentioned on a blog, which finally inspired us to do ours.
We are in El mundo de Amart webpage. Specifically:
Amart is items made with love, from clothing accessories to delicious cakes, in addition to its beautiful personalized mugs. The shop will be opened soon, so if you want to make a special gift or want to bring with you a good souvenir from Mallorca you only have to visit them.
Our beautiful house is mentioned in a post dedicated to a meeting that took place there lately: the "Bye bye Christmas" brunch from the Idòcraft club. Recently created in Mallorca, it is a mixed group where you can share hobbies and interest in handmade. They are meeting from time to time for workshops, contact with other people with similar interests,... and above all for having a good time together. If you want to join the club, the only requirement is to commit and devote a little of time to it. If you want more information, you can write to idocraft.info@gmail.com



Imágenes del photocall/Pictures from the photocall

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